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~~~~~7% Return Ratio ~~~ 10 unit mixed use brick building built from ground up in 2010. Newer roof, newer plumbing, newer electrical, central AC all commercial grade. Hard wired smoke and sprinkler system as well. Property consists of (5) commercial retail units on first level. (Five) 3 bed 1 bath apartments on 2nd and 3rd floors in excellent condition. Washer and dryer hookups in all apartments. Tenants pay all utilities. All tenants have leases. Commercial tenants have rate increases built in yearly. Absolutely no deferred maintenance, nothing to do but collect your rents and watch as they increase. Laundry mat's business asset comes with the sale for free.

MLS Listing ID: 73326316
Listing Price: $3,900,000
Listing Status: Active [?]
Property Type: Multi Family
Bedrooms: 15
Full Baths: 10
Living Space: 12500 sf.
Lot Size: 0.13 acres (5655 sf.)
Parking: Yes
Taxes: $17,946.27
Tax Year: 2024

Listing Current as of March 13, 2025 1:00pm

This listing brought to you by Rebecca Huang of East West Real Estate, LLC.

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