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Introducing 365 Columbia Street, a 3-unit multifamily property within the Columbia St Collection, a five-building 20-unit residential portfolio across four contiguous parcels, in the highly sought-after Wellington-Harrington neighborhood of Cambridge, MA. The Columbia St Collection offers an exceptional location with unparalleled access to top universities like Harvard and MIT, leading tech and biotech employers, and premium shopping and dining. The buildings are just a 10-minute walk from the Union St T Stop with access to Kendall, Central, Harvard, and Iman Sq. with easy public transportation access, making it a prime investment in one of the most desirable metropolitan areas in the world. Take advantage of Cambridge's multifamily housing change. Feasibility study available upon request; buyers to do their own due diligence.

MLS Listing ID: 73328250
Listing Price: $14,000,000
Listing Status: Price Changed [?]
Property Type: Multi Family
Bedrooms: 9
Full Baths: 8
Living Space: 5342 sf.
Lot Size: 0.09 acres (3999 sf.)
Parking: Yes
Taxes: $11,346.00
Tax Year: 2024

Listing Current as of March 13, 2025 1:00pm

This listing brought to you by Patrick Barrett of CSQ Realty, LLC.

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