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Beautifully appointed five story South End brick row house situated on highly coveted Appleton Street. Ideally situated within close proximity to Back Bay, Copley Square, and some of the South End's finest restaurants, cafe's and cultural destinations. Consisting of four leased units - One (two bedroom / two bathroom) and Three (one bedroom / one bathroom). Features include hardwood floors, tall ceilings, marble mantles, open kitchen / living room floor plans and an oversized enclosed patio. The rear with a deep set back provides optimal South facing sun while the front allows for upper level city skyline views. An attractive offering for portfolio investors, developers, or primary home owners looking for a custom conversion without having to spare on a historical location.

MLS Listing ID: 73331713
Listing Price: $2,995,000
Listing Status: Active [?]
Neighborhood: South End
Property Type: Multi Family
Bedrooms: 5
Full Baths: 5
Living Space: 2824 sf.
Lot Size: 0.02 acres (1000 sf.)
Parking: -
Taxes: $24,073.50
Tax Year: 2025

Listing Current as of March 13, 2025 12:00pm

This listing brought to you by Mark Ruane of MGS Group Real Estate LTD.

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