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Move-in MAR 15: Unique, sunny, southern exposure, 4th floor apartment with lots of exposed beams and hardwood floors. Kitchen looks out onto a sun drenched living room. Plenty of nooks and crannies in this apartment that is loaded with built-ins and charm! Exposed brick gives this great apartment its final urban touch. Laundry in the basement. Heat, hot water & electricity are included. Sorry, no pets. Lease can be until 8/31/25 or 8/31/26. Photos from a previous tenant. Incoming tenant to pay 1 month broker fee.

Listing ID: 34926662
Rent: $2,200/mo.
Available: March 15, 2025
Status: Active
Location: Back Bay
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
Living Area: -
Parking: Street Parking, Permit Required
Pets: No Pets
Included Utilities: Electricity, Heat, Hot Water
Features: Close to Buses, Close to Subway, Exposed Brick, Featured, Great Sunlight, Hardwood Floors, Laundry in Building, Professionally Managed, Refrigerator, Stove, ZillowFeed, ZumperPromote

Listing Current as of February 28, 2025 8:00pm

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